Meaning of a Turtle Sighting


Turtles are important creatures, and they are special animals. They are known all over the world and they are symbolic for things such as protection, increase and prosperity. Turtles are known in different stories, and they are part of the human experience. What does having a turtle dream mean for you?

Dreaming of a turtle can mean that you are at peace where you are. Since turtles are slow creatures, when you dream of them, it can mean that you need to slow down. The shell that they have gives them protection and so another interpretation of this dream is that you need to be protected.

Depending on what your dream is about it can have different meanings. Find out what your turtle dream means:

Spirituality and Turtles

When you see a turtle, it can mean that you are emotional. It can mean that you have good emotions that are peaceful and that are good for your physical being.

Dreaming of a turtle is the same and if you have feelings of peace and hope when you dream of a turtle, it can mean that you want these things in your life.

A turtle can represent how you view the world around you. You might want to have a good identity when you meet other people and when you dream of a turtle it can mean that you are understanding yourself more.

People that dream of turtles often are sensitive people that are empathic. Turtles can give you messages about where you are in your spiritual being. When you need to have stronger vibrations, a turtle dream can help you with this. If they come to you though, they might be trying to talk to you and to give you a message.

Turtles are connected with telepathy and other psychic gifts such as:

• Clairsentience.
• Clairvoyance.
• Intuition.
• Clairaudience.

What Are Turtle Symbols?

Turtles can come into your dream to help you to figure out what you should do in your life. Turtles can mean protection and they can mean that you need to go slower in your life. They can also mean strong intuition, lunar cycles, yin and yang energies and emotions.

Look at the dream that you have of the turtle and find out what it means for you. Dreams that have strong symbols can come to you and they can represent something that is happening in your life.

Dreaming of a Friendly Turtle

This kind of dream can mean that you are protected and that you are at peace in your life. This is a good dream to have, and it can also mean that you are an empath and that you care about people around you and the environment that you live in. It can also mean that you know who you are, and you accept yourself.

Dreaming of a Pet Turtle

Dreaming of a pet turtle can mean that you have goals that you want to reach. It can mean that you have unconditional love for others and that you will do what it takes to reach the goals that you set.

Being a turtle owner means that you want to grow and that you want to live your best life. It can mean that you need to have habits that lead you to your goals and that you need to work to be stronger. Seeing a turtle can mean that you need to be more patient in achieving your goals and dreams.

Dreaming of Feeding a Turtle

If you have a dream of feeding a turtle it can mean that you have goals that help you to have values. It can mean that you want to work towards a common goal with others and that you need to be more positive in doing that.

Dreaming of Riding a Turtle

When you dream that you are riding a turtle it means that you are going in the right direction. Sometimes it can mean that things are moving slowly but this is okay, and you need to not rush things through.

This can also mean that you have a deep connection with a turtle and that you are working on your psychic gifts. This dream can also mean that you are about to have changes come into your life that are big, but you need to not let them overwhelm you.

Dreaming of Helping Turtles

When you dream of helping turtles it can mean that you are connected with nature. It can mean that you believe in the universe and that you are someone that brings healing to other people.

Dreaming of many turtles can mean that you have problems around you and that you need to help people through these problems. It can mean that you are in love with your planet and that you want to help make it a better place.

Dreaming of Carrying a Turtle

This kind of dream can mean that you are emotional and that you are empathetic. It can mean that you have strong compassion for other people and that you listen well and accept people for who they are.

If you have a big turtle in your arms, it can mean that you are positive and that you are doing things that are impacting your society in a good way. Dreaming of a turtle that is too heavy can mean that you are letting your past hold you back.

Dreaming of an Aggressive Turtle

This kind of dream can mean that you are fearful and that you are being angry over things. It can mean that you have conflict going on in your life and you need to face it. It can also mean that you have strong energies and that you are being passive aggressive or dealing with someone who is.

Other Turtle Dreams

Here are some other turtle dreams and the interpretations:

  • Being attacked by a turtle: This can mean that you have things happening around your life that are causing you to feel that you aren’t safe and that you are not balanced. This could be a relationship where you are dealing with a lot of red flags.
  • Being chased by a turtle: This can mean that you are insecure and that you don’t feel like you are good enough. This can be in a relationship or in your job. This can also mean that you are facing health problems or that you are overwhelmed.
  • Being bitten by a turtle: This dream can mean that you are committed to yourself and others, but that people have abandoned you when you need them. It can also mean that you have a higher calling on your life. This dream can mean that you are determined and that you are patient.
  • Seeing fighting turtles: This can mean that you are conflicted between your physical self and your spiritual self. It can mean that you have goals but that you don’t realize exactly where they are taking you right now. You need to meditate and to make sure that you have strong values. This dream can mean being protected and that you need to notice those that are trying to pay you attention.
  • Seeing a dead turtle: This can mean that you are seeing slow changes come into your life. It can mean that changes are coming but that it will take a while for them to finish.
  • Killing a turtle: This kind of dream means that you need to slow down, and you need to stop procrastinating. It means that you need to take control of your life and live the best life that you can.
  • Seeing a sick turtle: This kind of dream can mean that you are sad, upset or you are stuck. It can mean that you are fearful of being left out or that you are not able to feel peace of getting older. This can also mean that your chakras are unbalanced.
  • Eating a turtle: This kind of dream can mean that you have abundance in your life. It can also mean that you are getting the turtle energy into your body.
  • A turtle in water: This can mean that you are in a time where you want to find out your spiritual gifts and embrace them.
  • A turtle in a tank: This means that you have strong knowledge but that things are holding you back from reaching your goals.
  • A turtle drowning: This can mean that you are not able to deal with things in your natural life. It can mean that your gifts are not balanced and that you are not embracing your intuition like you should.
  • A turtle head: Can mean your third eye is opening.
  • A turtle shell: This dream can mean that you are full of energies, or it can mean that you have unbalanced gifts.
  • Turtle feet: These dreams can mean that you are slow and patient.
  • Turtle eggs: These dreams can mean that you need to have a new beginning.
  • White turtles: Can mean you are connected to your spiritual self.
  • Black turtles: This dream can mean that you need to do shadow work.
  • Brown turtles: Dreaming of brown turtles can mean that you are nurturing and loving.
  • Blue turtles: These dreams can mean you are able to communicate freely.
  • Yellow turtles: This can represent that you express yourself well.
  • Orange turtles: These dreams can mean you have strong emotions, and you are smart.
  • Red turtles: These dreams can mean that you are afraid of getting older.
  • Purple turtles: Dreaming of this kind of turtle can mean you have strong psychic gifts.
  • Green turtles: These dreams can mean that you care about the world around you.
  • Sea turtles: Can mean manifestation and courage.
  • Tortoise: Dreaming of this can mean you are going to have a lot of changes.
  • Snapping turtles: These dreams can mean that you are passive aggressive.
  • Small turtles: This can mean that you love to travel and take risks.
  • Huge turtles: These can mean that you aren’t moving forward in your job.

Carrying a Turtle

This kind of dream can mean that you are going to be able to get a project done or that you are too burdened at your workplace.

Catching Turtles

These reams can mean that you are inspired and that you inspire others. It can also mean that you are going to start new things.

Flying Turtles

Dreaming of flying turtles can mean that you are tricked and that you are easily manipulated.

Falling Turtles

When you dream of turtles falling from the sky, it can mean that you need to get away from drama and not be overwhelmed with your life.

Frogs and Turtles

Dreams of frogs and turtles together means that you need to jump into things with your heart ready. It can also mean that you want something different in your relationship or that you are frustrated in your life.

Snakes and Turtles

When you dream of snakes and turtles in a dream it can mean that you are able to see into the future and that you have visions of hope for yourself.

Turtles in Bed

Turtles in your bed can mean that you need to be protected and that you want to astral dream.

Turtle Families

Dreaming of a turtle family can mean that you are moving too slowly, or you feel that someone in your life is. It can mean that you need to be supported.

Final Thoughts

Turtle dreams can be symbolic, and they are often attached to the spiritual world. If you keep having dreams about turtles, try to interpret your dreams and see what they mean. They can mean protection, hope, love, harmony and almost anything you can imagine.

If you aren’t sure what your dream means and you need help, try talking to a psychic and see if they can help you to figure it out.


  1. As much as I love turtles, I’m not convinced they have any special meaning in dreams. It’s probably just random.


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