Signs Your Third Eye is Opening

Signs Your Third Eye is Opening

The third eye is often revered in different cultures as a spiritual symbol that relates to our ability to overcome challenges. It actually has a deeper meaning in eastern traditions in that it is considered real and able to be seen if concentrating hard enough. Those who regularly meditate on that specific spot will begin to manifest it increasingly. There are some ways to tell if the third eye is opening and progress being made. These are shared below.


When the third eye starts to manifest on a deeper level there will be a physical sensation that corresponds right between the eyebrows. This will not be painful, but may feel like a gentle touch or possibly slight warmth. It often appears out of the blue, without warning even without spiritual thoughts. It can serve as a reminder to maintain a spiritual mindset.


As spiritual development occurs, intuition increases naturally. Intuition is the ability to know or sense something that will happen before it ever does. This subtle feeling can come and go without any warning, but in time the feeling can grow and get stronger. It may become a guiding principle for some in life.

Persistent Change

Above all, getting in tune with the third eye will gradually, yet persistently cause positive changes in our life without force. These changes are of our own free will and you will be able to see the changes in how you treat or react to others.

Learn to Watch for:

Inner Self—Reliance

There is a self and higher self. The higher self is like a spark in the universe with the self being personal preferences. When you learn to make this distinction and start relying on the higher self, this will change the view of the world. You will likely have new confidence and strength or even calm in the midst of a storm. This is a sign you are more connected.


Some signs are subtle, but the vision of light is bold and apparent. When meditating on the spiritual eye, the light around the eye can appear and take on different shapes. When it is a full manifestation, it will be a five point white star in a dark sphere of blue completely surrounded by a golden circle. This has been known for centuries in many places and is accepted worldwide. This is seen in many forms of artwork in various countries and is celebrated.


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