How to Know Your Spirit Guides Are Present

How to Know Your Spirit Guides Are Present

There are different ways that your guides might try to contact you. Some of your guides include angels, spirit animals, totems, and contacts. The spirits do not have a certain way of looking but they will take on the form of different things so that they can show you who they are. The energy that you see will sometimes just be an orb or a ball and it will not always be easy for everyone to relate to this kind of energy.

Signs Your Guides Want to Connect

Here are some ways that your guides might try to connect with you:


Some guides will try to stand out different words such as song lyrics or words in a book. They will cause you to pay attention to them.

Repeating Numbers

When you see numbers that are repeating such as 333 or 3:33, pay attention. These numbers are there to help you know your guides are trying to give you a sign.

Numbers have different meanings and if you are seeing some, look up the meaning of them.


Sometimes your guides will show you that they are by you by sending you feathers. This can help you to know you are making good decisions.

Sometimes it will be one feather or many.


You might see orbs when you take a picture. If there is a lot going on in your life, pay attention to these things and be aware of your guides.


Butterflies will often show up when your guides are trying to give you a message. This can be a sign that change is coming.

Focus on what is new in your life and having a new beginning to live in.

Electronic Malfunctions

If the lights around you begin to flicker or if your computer just randomly turns off, this can be that the energy of your guides is causing that to happen.

Electronic devices are not always helpful with their energy, but the energy of the guides can use the electronic energy to give you a message.


If you start to feel something different or pick up the energy around you, your hair might stand up or you might get chills.

This can be a sign that your guides are there and that they want you to know that they are around.

These signs can help you to know if your guides have shown up or if you are experiencing the presence of one of your guides. They are there to help you and to help you be safe and to make good decisions so pay attention to these feelings if they come to you.


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