Ways that Angels Influence You

Angels Influence You

Having angels to guide you is a positive thing and the truth is, angels and demons are always talking to you in your mind. This is energy from the universe that will come to you from a different world.

This energy from the universe can help you to know what is going on in your life. Your mind is like a radio that is always getting information. There are messages that can come to your mind and you might want to know:

  • Are these good messages?
  • Where are the messages coming from?
  • Do the messages help me?
  • Are the messages true and honest?

When you get to a place where you can recognize who is talking to you in your mind, you can understand your thinking and have more discernment. There are spirits that are all over and they are trying to guide your mind and to influence you.

Knowing Angel Messages from Demon Messages

  • A spirit that is wandering can drain your life from you.
  • Angels are Cosmic guides and will give you positive messages.
  • Wandering spirits will say things that make you feel bad about who you are.
  • Angel messages will give you answers that you need.
  • Wandering spirits will try to talk you into doing bad things.
  • Angel messages will make your life better.
  • Wandering messages will want you to make their needs met.
  • Angel messages want to help you experience life and to grow.
  • Wandering messages are not nice.
  • Angel messages will help you to evolve.
  • Wandering messages need to move out of your energy field.
  • Angel messages help you to get rid of wandering spirits if you ask them.

Negative thinking that comes to your mind is wandering spirits that are trying to get you to feel bad about who you are. If you feel greedy or if you feel obsessed with things, this can be negative messages that you are getting.

Learn to be positive and to stay happy. Read things that are good and study things such as art, spirits, music, dancing, philosophy, and other things that you find interesting. This can strengthen your mind and help you to know that your angels are around.

When you are being creative and you are being kind and compassionate, you can raise your vibrational frequency and get the nonsense out of your mind.

Make sure that you are listening to the right voices in your head and that you are always doing good and positive things in your life.


  1. I appreciate the emphasis on positivity and creativity, but I’m not entirely convinced about the existence of angelic or demonic messages. Nonetheless, nurturing a positive mindset is always beneficial.

  2. The idea of angels and demons guiding our thoughts is quite thought-provoking, but I remain skeptical about the existence of such entities. I believe in shaping our own destinies through conscious decisions.

  3. I completely agree with the importance of recognizing positive and negative messages from the universe. This is a great reminder to focus on uplifting energies!

  4. This article provides valuable insights into distinguishing between positive angel messages and negative wandering spirits. It’s important to be aware of the sources of the messages we receive.

  5. This article seems to oversimplify complex psychological processes by attributing certain thoughts exclusively to external spiritual influences. It’s important to consider scientific explanations for mental phenomena.

  6. I respectfully disagree with the notion that there are wandering spirits trying to influence us. It’s essential to rely on rational thinking and critical analysis rather than attributing thoughts to external forces.

  7. The concept of wandering spirits influencing our thoughts seems like something out of a supernatural thriller! While it makes for an intriguing story, I’m more inclined to focus on practical approaches to understanding my mind.

  8. I find it fascinating how this article explains the influence of different energies on our thoughts and actions. It’s crucial to seek positivity and growth while rejecting negativity.


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